25 October 2017—The Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur’s Migrant Workers and Other Filipinos Skills Training Center (MWORFC) had another successful year as 465 students finish courses offered by the Center. They were feted in a commencement ceremony held on October 22 at the Bangunan Mariamman in Kuala Lumpur.
In his inspirational talk, Ambassador Charles Jose lauded the students and volunteer teachers, who instead of taking a much-needed break from work on Sundays, have decided to study and teach at the MWORFC.
“You are all inspirations to all of us, as you decide to spend your Sundays productively by studying at the center instead of utilizing your days off to rest and relax. It is heartening to see how you continue to strive to better yourselves and your families by studying at the MWORFC,” Ambassador Jose said.
Apart from being a halfway house for Filipinos in distress, the MWORFC offers skills training for interested Filipino nationals. Courses run for eight months, generally from February to October.
For this year, 29 courses covering basic nursing home care, computer studies (accounting for non-accountants, spreadsheets), cooking (baking and cake decorations, Asian and Intercontinental cuisine), cosmetology, reflexology, Bahasa Melayu, hair culture, dressmaking, kempo, Zumba, and automotive, were offered. They were taught by trainers on a voluntary basis.
These courses aim to teach or upgrade the skills of OFWs to enable them to advance in their profession and/or to provide them with alternative livelihood options for their eventual return to the Philippines. END