The POLO shall handle complaints and dispute cases which are inherently labor in character or arising out of employer-employee relations, such as those involving salaries and wages, violation of other terms and conditions of employment contracts, termination, and others.
Assistance may also be rendered in cases of medical problems, non-performance of family obligations, ascertaining whereabouts, runaways, and other similar grievances. The POLO shall closely coordinate with, and refer to the Embassy’s Assistance to Nationals Section (ATN), all matters involving sexual offences, physical injuries/abuses, and other criminal violations committed against the workers with the end view of more fully protecting workers’ rights.
A. Counselling. Right information and proper guidance shall be dispensed through counselling by the POLO at the initial contact with the worker, particularly in handling grievances from work and/or cultural adjustments;
B. Conciliation/Legal Advice. The POLO shall exhaust all available remedies to amicably settle all disputes and shall invite parties to conciliation meetings/In the event that conciliation may no longer be possible and the workers’ complaint requires submission to the labor arbitration process in the host country, the POLO shall assist the workers in all stages of proceedings and provide legal advice as may be feasible;
C. Medical and Hospital Assistance, Representation and Onsite Visitations. The POLO shall provide medical/hospital referral and assistance to workers who are physically, mentally and/or emotionallyLikewise, representations with local authorities and visits at the workplace, campsites, hospitals and prisons, whenever possible, shall be undertaken;
D. Provision of Temporary Shelter to Workers in Distress. In countries where there is Migrant and Other Workers Filipino Resource Center (MWOFRC), a temporary shelter shall be provided by POLO to female workers in distress subject to certain admission rules and criteria;
E. Skills Training, Capacity-Building and reintegration Services. The POLO and OWWA, through its Welfare Officers in the post, shall conduct a continuing program toward OFW skills training and upgrading, capacity-building seminars, and reintegration preparedness program for OFWs;
F. Special Operations. The POLO, in coordination with the Head of Mission, shall undertake relief and rescue operations to assist Filipino workers in distress and duringFor this purpose, the POLO shall endeavour to establish contacts and liaison with local authorities and support groups for information gathering and cooperative relationships.