

Ambassador Charles Jose (center) is joined by (from left) Second Secretary and Consul Johann Veronica Andal and Commercial Attache Rosa Katrina Banzon at the Philippine booth during the celebration of MITI’s ASEAN Day.

9 August 2017--The Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur took part in the ASEAN Day celebration of the Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) held today at its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Ambassador Charles Jose joined Malaysia International Trade and Industry Minister II Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan, MITI Secretary General Datuk J. Jayasiri, other ASEAN ambassadors and high commissioners, members of the diplomatic corps, MITI employees and guests at the opening ceremony of the event, which featured booths from ASEAN missions, MITI and its attached agencies and Malaysian companies, as well as a job fair and product exhbitions.

The Philippine booth featured its tourism sites and halal products being promoted in Malaysia, and was manned by its Philippine Trade and Investment Center. END