

Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia Charles C. Jose delivers his special talk on the Philippines’ priorities during the country’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2017 at the Hikmat Hall, Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College on 8 September 2017.

08 September 2017 – Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia Charles C. Jose delivered a special talk on the Philippines’ priorities in the field of political and security cooperation during the country’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2017 at the Hikmat Hall, Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) on 8 September 2017. The talk was part of the MAFSC’s Program for Distinguished Speakers Series, which has been an important activity in the Malaysian Command and Staff Course (MCSC) Serial 46/2017.

One hundred sixty-four (164) participants from twenty-eight (28) countries, including two (2) student officials from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, attended the MCSC Serial 46/2017. It is a one year course which serves as a platform to train staff officers for promotion to lieutenant colonel or its equivalent rank.

Among the items discussed by Ambassador Jose during his talk included the theme of the Philippines’ Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2017; thematic priorities of the country under the ASEAN Political Security Community; the initiatives taken by ASEAN in combating current security issues, and the challenges in regional cooperation.

Following the talk, Ambassador Jose responded to various queries from the audience during the open forum. Prior to the conclusion of the event, Captain M. Saravanan, Deputy Commandant of the MAFSC, presented a token of appreciation to the Ambassador.

MAFSC officials and course participants lauded Ambassador Jose for delivering a comprehensive talk on the PHL’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2017. END

Ambassador Jose receives a token of appreciation from MAFSC Deputy Commandant Captain M. Saravanan.

Ambassador Jose shakes hands with some of the foreign military officers participating in the Malaysian Command and Staff Course.